Class 10 English Unit 2 Exercise [New Course 2080]

Greeting, Class 10 student. Are you looking for the Class 10 English Unit 2 exercises?

Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 English Unit 2 Festivals and Celebration exercise. Plus, we’ve also provided answer to Grammar I and Writing I section.

These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S.

Remember, while it’s great to use this guide as a reference for your homework, we always encourage you to do the work on your own. However, if you find this guide helpful, feel free to share it with your friends. Now, let’s dive into Class 10 English Unit 2 Reading I Battle of the Oranges exercises.

Class 10 English Unit 2 Festivals and Celebration Exercise: Included all Questions and Answers (With Grammar I + Writing I Solution)

Reading I:Battle of the Oranges

A. Match the words with their meaning.

a. mush: soft thick mass of mixture
b. jerk: to make something move with a sudden short sharp movement
c. concussion: a temporary loss of consciousness
e. pulp : the soft part inside the fruits and vegetables
f. clutch: to hold something tightly
g. sip: to drink something, taking a very small amount each time

B. Write ‘True’ for true statements and ‘False’ for false ones.

a. The tourists are informed to wear a red hat through public notices.
Ans: True

b. Aranceri seems dressed in Doctor Whoesque costumes.
Ans:  True

c. When a cart approaches, aranceri run away from the square.

d. The narrator feels bored during the festival period.

e. The volunteers encourage the visitors to join the battle.
Ans: False

f. The narrator accepts Massi’s offer.

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What does the red hat symbolize?
Ans:  The red had symbolizes the symbol of a carnival and the symbol of a freedom.

b. How does the narrator feel when she wipes her face?
Ans: The narrators feels bloody and shocked when she wipes her face.

c. What does the square look like after an hour battle of the oranges?
Ans: The square is cover in a thick sludges, mixture of a orange pulp and horse manure after an hour Battle of the oranges.

d. How do aranceri members chase the cart?
Ans:  Aranceri member chase the cart stacked with orange creates, filing their soldier bags and baggy tops.

e. Does Silvia enjoy this carnival?
Ans: No, Silvia does not enjoy this carnival because she feel pain and she does not accept Messi’s offer.

f. Why does Massi say, “Forget the nets.”?
Ans: Massi say, “Forget the nets” because he did not want to hide behind the nets. Rather he want to enjoy the Carnival.

D. You might know about some unique festivals like “Battle of the Oranges”. Collect some information about any one of such festivals.

Bisket Jatra, also known as Bisket or Sindoor Jatra, is a traditional festival celebrated in Bhaktapur, Nepal. It takes place annually during the Nepali month of Baisakh (April) and holds great cultural and religious significance.

The festival honors Lord Bhairava, a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva, and the goddess Bhadrakali. The highlight of Bisket Jatra is the chariot procession, where two massive chariots dedicated to the deities are pulled through the streets of Bhaktapur by enthusiastic devotees. Competing teams strive to earn the honor of pulling the chariots, as it is believed to bring good fortune for the year.

Bisket Jatra also features cultural performances, traditional music, dance, and theatrical displays. The festival attracts a large crowd, both locals and tourists, who witness the vibrant atmosphere and participate in the festivities. People dress in traditional attire, and the streets are filled with music, drum beats, and cheers.

The festival has ancient origins, believed to date back several centuries to the Kirata era, later assimilated into the Hindu culture of the Kathmandu Valley. Bisket Jatra showcases the rich cultural heritage of Nepal and provides an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate their traditions.

In conclusion, Bisket Jatra is a joyous and vibrant festival celebrated in Bhaktapur, Nepal. It honors Lord Bhairava and the goddess Bhadrakali, featuring a grand chariot procession and various cultural displays. The festival is an important part of the local culture, attracting people from all around to witness and participate in the festivities.

Class 10 English Unit 2 Grammar I Excercise

Here, you can find Class 10 English Unit 2 grammar 1 exercise based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal on 2080:

A. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. The beginning of each sentence is given.

a. “Are you working tonight?
Ans: “Agaman asked Timothy if he was working tonight.

b. “Is this  the road to the station?
Ans: “A stranger wanted to know from me if that was the road to the station.

c. “Did you do your homework?
Ans: “My friend inquired her if she had done her homework.

d. “Have you been to Paris?
Ans: “The tourist was asked if he had been to Paris.

e. “How long have you been working in this company?
Ans: “Usha inquired Anuj how long he had been working in that company.

f. “What flavour ice cream did you have at the party?
Ans: “My mother asked me what flavor ice cream I had at the party.

g. “Have you studied reported speech before?
Ans: “The teacher wanted to know if they had studied reported speech before.

h. ” Where will you stay tonight?
Ans: “I asked him where he would stay that night.

i. “How many players were shown yellow card by the referee?
Ans: “Sumangal asked his friend how many players had been shown yellow cards by the referee.

i. “What magic did the medicine have on the patient?”
Ans: Sarita wanted to know from Sommaya what magic the medicine had had on the patient.

B. Change the following remarks into reported speech.

a. Kritika asked me, “why did you go out last night?”
Ans: Kritika asked me why I had gone out last night.

b. “Who was that beautiful woman, Usha?” said Sunita.
Ans: Sunita asked Usha who that beautiful woman was.

c. “How is your mother?” said Gaurab to Yang Dolma.
Ans: Gaurab asked Yang Dolma how her mother was.

d. My friend wanted to know, “What are you going to do at the weekend?”
Ans: My friend wanted to know what I was going to do at the weekend.

e. “Where will you live after graduation?” said my teacher.
Ans: My teacher asked me where I would live after graduation.

f. Anusha said to Melisha,”What were you doing when I saw you?”
Ans: Anusha asked Melisha what she had been doing when she had seen her.

g. I said to the piligrim, “How was the journey?”
Ans: I asked the pilgrim how the journey had been.

h. “How often do you go to cinema?” said Krishana.
Ans: Krishna asked how often I went to the cinema.

i. “Do you live in Patan?” said the Principal.
Ans: The Principal asked me  if I lived in Patan.

j. Niraj said to Luniva,”Did Phadindra arrive on time?”
Ans: Niraj asked Luniva if Phadindra had arrived on time.

Class 10 English Unit 2 Writing I Excercise

Write an essay describing a festival which is celebrated in your community. Include its brief history, people involved, major activities, religious or social importance, duration, and drawbacks, if any.


Dashain, also known as Vijaya Dashami, is the most significant and widely celebrated festival in Nepal. Lasting for 15 days, it falls in the month of Ashwin (September or October) and holds immense cultural and religious importance for the Nepalese people.

Dashain honors the goddess Durga, a divine embodiment of female power and strength. The festival signifies the triumph of good over evil, symbolized by the victory of goddess Durga over the demon Mahisasur. During Dashain, it is believed that the goddess descends to Earth to bless her devotees.

The festival entails various rituals and customs. Homes and temples are adorned with colorful decorations, and people engage in elaborate prayers and ceremonies to worship the goddess Durga. Animal sacrifices, particularly of goats, buffaloes, or other animals, are performed as offerings to the goddess, followed by feasting on the meat as a part of festive meals.

Dashain is a time of family reunions and gatherings. People return to their ancestral homes to celebrate together. The festival is characterized by exchanging gifts, feasting on delicious traditional meals, and participating in various cultural activities. Flying kites, swinging on bamboo swings (called “ping”) and playing traditional games are popular during this time.

One of the highlights of Dashain is receiving “tika” and blessings from elders. Elders apply a mixture of red vermillion powder, rice, and yogurt on the foreheads of younger family members as a symbol of protection and good fortune. This ritual strengthens family ties and fosters a sense of unity and respect.

Dashain is deeply ingrained in Nepalese culture and traditions. It brings communities together, transcending social boundaries and fostering a sense of harmony and togetherness. The festival showcases the rich cultural heritage of Nepal and highlights the religious devotion and festive spirit of the Nepalese people.

In conclusion, Dashain is the most prominent festival in Nepal, celebrated over 15 days in honor of the goddess Durga. It involves elaborate rituals, animal sacrifices, feasting, and the exchange of blessings and gifts. Dashain is a time of joy, family reunions, and cultural festivities that reflect the vibrant spirit of Nepalese traditions and customs.


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Next: Class 10 English Unit 2 Reading II Excercise