Greeting, Class 10 students. Are you looking for the Class 10 Nepali Chapter/Path 10 Vyavsayik Chithi excercise?
Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 Nepali Path 10 Excercise, all questions and answer are provided.
These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S. And, it is based on Nepali book Published by Janak Publication.
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Vyavsayik Chithi Summary
“Vyavsayik Chithi” serves as the 10th chapter in the Class 10 Nepali textbook, introducing students to the realm of business letters, applications, and official correspondence.
The chapter covers a spectrum of business letter types employed in various contexts, elucidating the standardized structure and format of these letters. It underscores the significance of utilizing formal language in business correspondence and imparts guidelines for effective composition, outlining both what to include and what to avoid.
Moreover, the chapter offers practical exercises to enhance students’ writing skills, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of “Vyavsayik Chithi” and fostering excellence in Class 10 Nepali studies.
Vyavsayik Chithi- Class 10 Nepali Chapter 10 Excercise (2080)

We are happy to provide you Vyavsayik Chithi Class 10 Nepali Chapter 10 Excercise 2080. Hope it help you.
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Next: Yesto Kahile Nahos- Class 10 Nepali Chapter 11 Excercise