Greeting, Class 10 students. Are you looking for the Class 10 Nepali Chapter/Path 1 Ujyaalo Yatra excercise?
Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 Nepali Chapter 1 Excercise, all questions and answer are provided.
These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S. And, it is based on Nepali book Published by Janak Publication.
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Ujyaalo Yatra- Class 10 Nepali Chapter 1 Excercise (2080)

Author: Ram Prasad Gyawali
Ram Prasad Gyawali, a renowned Nepalese poet, has made significant contributions to Nepalese literature. He is widely recognized for his captivating poems composed in the Nepalese language.
Key details about Ram Prasad Gyawali include:
- Career: Acknowledged as one of Nepal’s premier poets, he has been featured in numerous TV interviews¹. Beyond his literary pursuits, he serves as the pramukh of Arthasastra Bibhag and is esteemed as one of the country’s foremost economists.
- Personal Life: Born in Nepal, the exact date of his birth is not publicly known, but he seems to be around 60 years old as of 2023. While married, information about his wife and children is not available¹.
- Education: He completed his education in Nepal.
- Online Presence: Operating his own YouTube channel under the name “Dr. Ram Prasad Gyawali,” he shares his thoughts and works.
His acclaimed poem, “Manchheko Pahichan Ra Ma,” has garnered widespread appreciation¹. Furthermore, his work “Ujyaalo Yatra” is featured in the Class 10 Nepali textbook, underscoring the significance of his contributions to Nepalese literature. Described as transformative, his writings have the power to engage readers with profound and thought-provoking verses.
We are happy to provide you Ujyaalo Yatra Class 10 Nepali Chapter 1 Excercise 2080. Hope it help you.
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