Scientific Research is A Token of Humankind’s Survival Summary
This essay “Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival” was written by a Russian mathematical geophysicist and seismologist, Vladimir Keilis-Borok. In this essay, he says about his profession as a scientist, and views that science is the humankinds’ indispensable guardian and caretaker. The essayist talks about his profession as a scientist. He says that a scientist earns freedom, happiness and independence rather than money. He mentions that scientists are the most practical people in the world because whenever there is a danger for the humankinds, it is the scientist who saves from the danger. He has given his personal example.
There was the cold war in 1960mand he was doing research on the theory of seismic waves-tremors in the earth generated by an earthquake. There was a problem in for power possessing countries of nuclear weapons to differentiate between the tremors generated by nuclear explosions and earthquakes. The writer got a letter from Geneva in which an American scientist, Frank Press quotes his work while arguing with Moscow experts for his knowledge of seismic waves.
According to him, every man, woman, and child lived under the threat of annihilation by nuclear weapon because each super powerful country had more than enough nuclear bombs with which they could destroy others in the first attempt. There was a big threat to the world as it could be destroyed easily. So, the three powerful countries, Soviet Union, United States, and United Kingdom were interested to make an agreement to ban on the nuclear weapon test. But there was a problem to find out the tremors to confirm whether that would be of the tremors of explosions or earthquake. Hence, the essayist was invited for it because his theoretical knowledge had a direct use to save the humankind. He says that it is science and the scientist who creates hope of survival and well-being for all of us.
The essayist claims that scientists are the most practical people in the world because they are the ones who invent and discover in every field for the sake of humankind such as antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibres, the green revolution, genetic forensic diagnosis, efficient defence from terrorism, and so on and so forth. He shows the importance of basic science which gives us a head start in any career that we choose. There is always a threat from the natural and man-made disasters like, earthquakes, self-inflicted destruction of megacities, environmental catastrophes, economic and social crises, etc. In this case, it is intellectual resources to bring a hope to save the human beings and money does nothing. As he has quoted a French proverb: “Nobody is satisfied with his wealth, everybody is satisfied with his wisdom”. It is only the basic research that can create springboard for developing new disaster preparedness industry.
At last, he makes a conclusion that the science is not the beginning and the end. It is our indispensable guardian and caretaker.
Scientific Research is A Token of Humankind’s Survival Questions And Answer: Understanding the text
Answer the following questions.
a.What does a scientist get instead of big money?
Ans: A scientist gets freedom, camaraderie and independence instead of big money.
b.What was the problem that the nuclear powers had faced ?
Ans: The problem that the nuclear powers had faced was how the other powers could detect the violation if one of the participants had violated the agreement and secretly made an underground nuclear explosion.
c.In which area did Keilis Borok’s theoretical knowledge have a direct application?
Ans: Keilis Borok’s theoretical knowledge had a direct application in the area of survival of the humankind by distinguishing the natural tremors from the ones produced by the explosion.
d.What was the important decision that the politicians took before Geneva Summit?
Ans: The important decision that the politicians took before Geneva Summit was the nuclear test ban.
e.What are the natural and man-made disasters as mentioned by the author ?
Ans: The natural and man-made disasters as mentioned by the authors are:
ii.self-inflicted destruction of megacities. environmental catastrophes,
iii.economic and social crises,
iv.massive release of radioactivity from nuclear waste disposal, and
vi outburst of mass violence.
Reference to the context
a.The professional addressed as ‘you’ in the sentence “If you are clever, why are you so poor?”
i. lawyer ii. doctor iii. scientist iv. businessman. Justify your choice.
Ans: You’ refers to a scientist because the author is writing about the scientist. Scientists are intelligent and they do not believe in hearsay. Instead, they believe in the evidence. They invent and explore new things by making various experiments. Whenever there happens a danger or threat to the human beings, they are there to save the humankind. The author says that if you are clever, why are you so poor, means they can earn a large sum of money, and more than money they earn freedom, camaraderie and independence which keep the human very happy. Although they are intelligent, they are economically poor.
b. The writer says, “I found myself in Geneva.” What does it express?
Ans: The writer says, “I found myself in Geneva.” It expresses his great surprise because an American scientist, Frank Press quoted his work while arguing with Moscow experts as he was unexpectedly summoned to a nuclear weapons conference in Geneva.
c.Are the following statements true? Why or why not? Discuss with your partner.
i.Money is more powerful than intellectual resources.
Ans: The statement is false because money can buy materials but cannot buy intellectual resources. Money can be short of but intellectual resources increase more when we use and can earn money through them.
ii.Intellectual resources help survival of the mankind.
Ans: This is a true statement because when there is a danger, there needs intellectual resources; because of them, we find the possible solutions to help survival of the mankind.
ii. Basic research is a way of stalling disasters.
Ans: It is a true statement because only the basic research can create a springboard for developing new disaster preparedness industry. So, they can keep human beings safe from the disasters giving the information and possible solutions based on the researches.
d.How does the essayist justify that scientific research is the humankind’s survival?
Ans: The essayist justifies that scientific research is the humankind’s survival. He argues that scientific research is an exciting venture into the great unknown and the token of humankind’s survival; and it is the scientists with their tools that are up to the challenge and can ensure that we all safely move with the time. It is their indispensable guardian and caretaker for humankind’s survival.
e.What can be the purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay?
Ans: The purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay is to persuade the readers by supporting his ideas and arguments regarding science that is an indispensable guardian and caretaker for humankind’s survival.
f. Discuss and illustrate the writer’s stand that scientists are the most practical people in the world.
Ans: The writer’s stand is that scientists are the most practical people in the world. Going through this essay, it is real that scientists make the researches and find out new things that are necessary for the human beings. Whatever the miracles are happened in the world are the invention, exploration, and production of the scientists. These days, no field is out of science. They also warn about the threats and provide safety for the humankind’s survival. So, from these all points of view, we can say that scientists are the most practical people in the world.
Reference beyond the text
a.Everyone lives under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. Explain this statement.
Ans: Yes, it is true that everyone lives under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. He has informed the readers that there was a dangerous situation of the Cold War which was in height. It was really a terrible situation that three countries were possessing powers of nuclear weapons which could destroy the world in a second.
These days also, these countries possess the same powers of nuclear weapons. They have more than enough nuclear bombs to destroy the others in the first strike due to which every man, woman, and Ichild on the earth have to live under the threat of annihilation by nuclear weapon.
b.The essayist says ‘While there is science, there is hope of survival and wellbeing for all of us.’ Explain it.
Ans: The essayist says that while there is science, there is hope of survival and well-being for all of us. His saying is very true because whenever we face problems there is science to protect us as he has clearly mentioned that science is our indispensable guardian and caretaker. The countries have also signed to ban the nuclear tests to realize the safety for the human beings. The scientists have ensured the survival of humankind. Even in these days, we have been facing a serious threat of the fatal pandemic, COVID-19; the scientists have been working day and night to protect us by finding its medicine. So, it is science and the scientists for our hope of survival and well-being for all of us. Is science a blessing or a curse ?
c.Write an essay on it.
Science: Blessing or Curse?
The 21st century is taken as the age of science and technology. Scientific inventions have made our life faster, easier, and comfortable. It is said that nothing is good or bad in itself; it depends on its use. Our life is greatly influenced by scientific discoveries. Some people argue that, although science has made a great progress, it has also brought destruction. The discovery of modern weapons has added a threat to human civilization. Science has helped human beings a lot with a wonderful progress and development. Development in the field of science has enabled human beings to conquer nature to some extent.
Science touches all the aspects of human life. The world has now shrunk as a global village due the development of transportation and communication. Human beings have now reached to the moon and space and still trying to explore the outer space. Many fatal diseases have been eradicated and human life has been extended to some extent. The researches in agriculture have developed modern seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and increased the cultivation to feed the growing population. Invention of computer, television, telephone, and so on has brought a revolution in the human’s life. It has helped to develop international understanding among the nations.
Science has greatly contributed to remove superstition and create awareness in people. There has been a tremendous progress in the field of trade, industry, and business. The world is developing faster due to the progress in various sectors and the life standard of the people in the world has been improved. We are able to communicate with other people who are very far away from us. Humans are able to fly in the air like the birds, and have reached to the space, which helps humans to understand the universe.
On the other hand, science is not only a boon but it has also proved to be a curse. It has invented many dangerous weapons, which can destroy the world in a second. These modern weapons are being heavily used in the wars and conflicts to kill people in a large number. The competition between or among countries just to be more powerful has added a threat to human civilization. The modern transportation and industries have polluted the environment, increased global temperature and put human existence in danger; which is a byproduct of science. A huge amount of money is spent on the researches to develop new weapons, which can be used to enhance in the field of health, education, and so on and so forth. Because of misuse of science, people live under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons.
There is no doubt that misuse of anything harms us. Human beings should be responsible for the use or misuse of science. So, we must be hopeful about our future and act accordingly. Science should be used for the benefit of human beings as much as possible. It must not be misused for the destruction of the human beings and the world. Thus, it is in our hand to make or mar the world better or worse. It is a blessing if we use it properly for the sake of humankind’s survival.