Greeting, Class 10 students. Are you looking for the Class 10 Nepali Chapter/Path 15 Gaumathi Euta Katha excercise?
Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 Nepali Path 15 Excercise, all questions and answer are provided.
These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S. And, it is based on Nepali book Published by Janak Publication.
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Gaumathi Euta Katha Summary
“Gaumathi Euta Katha” stands as a captivating chapter in the Class 10 Nepali textbook. Crafted by the esteemed Nepali poet Dinesh Adhikari, this poetic masterpiece goes beyond the confines of language. It skillfully intertwines emotions, vivid imagery, and symbolism to leave a lasting impression on the reader. The poem delves into the core of rural life, unraveling its subtle messages and showcasing the poet’s profound artistic expression.
Included in the curriculum for Class 10 Nepali students, this poem offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and nuances of poetry. It serves as a conduit for students to delve into the narrative, fostering a deeper appreciation for the language’s beauty and the impactful resonance of the poet’s words.
Gaumathi Euta Katha- Class 10 Nepali Chapter 15 Excercise (2080)

न्ने भनेका छन् । ‘मानव भएर पशु हत्या गर्ने, पशुको जीवनले आफू बाँच्ने, कहिल्यै पनि परहितको कार्य नगर्ने, त्यत्तिकै आफू मरेर जाने भएकालाई आफू मानव नभएको कुराको घोषणा गरेका छन् !
We are happy to provide you Gaumathi Euta Katha Class 10 Nepali Chapter 15 Excercise 2080. Hope it help you.
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