Greeting, Class 10 students. Are you looking for the Class 10 Social Studies Unit 1 Hami Ra Hamro Samaj| Lesson 3 | Vividhata Ma Ekta Excercise.
Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 Social Studies Unit 1 Lesson 3, all questions and answer are provided.
These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S. And, it is based on Social Studies book Published by CDC Publication.
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Vividhata Ma Ekta Summary
The third chapter of the first unit in Class 10 Social Studies is titled “Vividhata Ma Ekta.” This chapter explores the theme of unity in diversity within the Nepalese context.
Nepal boasts rich cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity. Despite this wide-ranging diversity, a strong sense of unity prevails among the people of Nepal. This unity in diversity is a distinctive feature of the country.
The chapter delves into the coexistence of various religions, ethnicities, languages, and cultures in Nepal, emphasizing the harmony and mutual respect among different communities. This unique blend of unity in diversity is a defining characteristic of Nepal.
Studying this chapter enables students to comprehend the reasons behind the strong unity among Nepalese people despite their diverse backgrounds. The chapter also offers comprehensive solutions to all exercises, allowing students to explore the complexities of this intriguing topic.
Vividhata Ma Ekta: Class 10 Social Studies Unit 1 Lesson 3 Excercise Solution