Class 10 English Unit 3 Exercise [New Course 2080]

Greeting, Class 10 student. Are you looking for the Class 10 English Unit 3 exercises?

Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 English Unit 3 Health and Wellness excercise. Plus, we’ve also provided answer to Grammar I and Writing I section.

These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S.

Remember, while it’s great to use this guide as a reference for your homework, we always encourage you to do the work on your own. However, if you find this guide helpful, feel free to share it with your friends. Now, let’s dive into Class 10 English Unit 3 exercises.

Class 10 English Unit 3 Health and Wellness Exercise: Included all Questions and Answers (With Grammar I + Writing I Solution)

 Reading I : A Letter from a Patient

A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

a. nightmare
Ans: a very unpleasant or frightening experience

b. pediatric
Ans: relating to the medical care of children

c. intravenous
Ans: into or connected to a vein

d. priority
Ans: a thing that is regarded as more important than others

e. medications
Ans: treatment using drugs

f. confidante
Ans: a person with whom private matters and problems are discussed

g. deprivation
Ans: the lack of something considered to be a necessity

h. vulnerable
Ans: in need of special care, support, or protection

i. dreadful
Ans: very bad or unpleasant


B. Write True for true and False for false statements.

a. The sender of the letter was happy with the service of the health workers.
Ans: False

b. The staff of different departments in the hospital had harmonious relationships with each other.
Ans: False

c. The hospital staff were concerned with the requirements of the sick child.
Ans: False

d. The staff of the hospital shared their personal feelings with the writer.
Ans: False

e. The chart was unclear about the patient’s gender.
Ans: True

f. The author took the mistakes of the health workers normally.
Ans: False

g. The writer seems to be more sincere in her duty than the hospital staff.
Ans: True


C. Answer the following questions.

a. What was the nightmare for the author?
Ans: The nightmare for author was that her baby was serious with high fever.

b. What do you think the main purpose of this letter is?
Ans: The main purpose of this letter, I think, is to suggest all the health workers to be serious in their duty.

c. According to the author, what was the main weakness of the hospital staff?
Ans: According to author, the main weakness of hospital staff was to bad mouth about other staff and other units.

d. Did the nurses really say ‘your daughter is not a priority’? Why did the author think so?
Ans: No, the nurse didn’t. The author thought it so because the nurse did not give priority to author’s baby.

e. What do the patients and their families expect from the health workers?
Ans: The patient and thier families expect to be honest and serious in the duty, from the health workers.

f. List the questions that the author was asked frequently in the hospital?
Ans: Questions that author was asked frequently in the hospital were:

  • Was the baby premature?
  • Was the delivery normal?

g. Why did the health workers make gender error about the author’s daughter?
Ans: The health workers made gender error about the authors daughter because they did not do better paper work.

h. According to the author, how do people perceive the career of health workers?
Ans: According to author, the people perceive the career of health worker as a noble and precious.

D. If you become a health worker in the future, what would be your priority? How would you treat your patients and their families?

If I became a health worker in the future I would have the priority like other health worker. The priority of a health worker is to provide quality healthcare services to patients and promote their well-being. This includes diagnosing illnesses, providing appropriate treatments, administering medications, offering health education and counseling, and managing chronic conditions.

In addition to providing direct patient care, health workers are also responsible for maintaining accurate medical records, monitoring and reporting disease outbreaks, collaborating with other healthcare professionals, and advocating for the health needs of their patients.

In many cases, health workers are required to prioritize their tasks based on the severity of a patient’s condition. For example, a patient with a life-threatening illness or injury would be given priority over a patient with a less urgent medical issue.

Overall, the priority of a health worker is to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and treatment, and that their health needs are met in a timely and effective manner.

As a health worker, it is important to treat both patients and their families with compassion, empathy, and respect. Patients and their families often come to healthcare facilities feeling vulnerable, anxious, and afraid, and it is our responsibility to create a safe and supportive environment that promotes healing and recovery.

Here are some key principles to keep in mind when treating patients and their families. And I will try to follow them as far as practicable. I will respect their dignity: Patients and their families should be treated with dignity and respect at all times. This means listening to their concerns, treating them as individuals, and involving them in decision-making about their care.

I will communicate clearly. Effective communication is essential to building trust and establishing a positive relationship with patients and their families. Health workers should communicate clearly and honestly,
using language that is easy to understand, and taking into account the patient’s cultural background and beliefs.

I will provide them emotional support. Patients and their families may experience a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, and grief. Health workers should provide emotional support and be empathetic towards their feelings and needs.

I will be responsive. Patients and their families should be able to access care when they need it. Health workers should be responsive to their needs and provide care in a timely and efficient manner.

Overall, the treatment of patients and their families should be based on a human-centered approach that focuses on meeting their needs, respecting their rights, and promoting their well-being.


Class 10 English Unit 3 Grammar I Excercise

Here, you can find Class 10 English Unit 3 grammar 1 exercise based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal on 2080:

B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. The beginning of each sentence is given.

a. “Please, help me fix this machine.”
Ans: She requested me to help her fix the machine.

b. “Please, don’t switch on the fan?”
Ans: The electrician requested me not to switch on the fan.

c. “Help me with my homework, please.”
Ans: My friend requested me to help him with his homework.

d. “Lend me some money, please,”
Ans: She requested to lend her some money.

e. “Do your homework!”
Ans: The teacher told me to do my homework.

f. “Don’t smoke!”
Ans: The doctor advised him not to smoke.

g. “Don’t make a mess!”
Ans: My mother told me not to make a mess.


Class 10 English Unit 3 Writing I Excercise

The letter in Reading I talks about different weaknesses of the health care workers in a hospital. Imagine you are one of the staff of the hospital. Now, write an email to the patient’s mother apologising for your behaviour. Assure her that there will be improvement in the services your hospital provides. Answer:


Subject: Apology for your unpleasant experience during your hospital stay

Dear Sita,

I am writing this email to express my sincere apologies for the treatment you and your daughter received during your stay at our hospital. I deeply regret any shortcomings in the services provided by our staff.

As a healthcare professional and a member of the hospital team, I understand that our primary responsibility is to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of our patients. However, it is evident that we have failed to meet your expectations, and for that, I take full responsibility. I want to assure you that we are actively working to rectify our mistakes and improve the quality of our services to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Please believe me when I say that we are fully committed to providing the best possible care to our patients. Your trust and confidence in us are invaluable, and we are determined to regain your trust through our actions.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort you and your daughter experienced during your time at our hospital. I kindly request you to consider giving us another opportunity to assist you and demonstrate our unwavering dedication to your well-being.

If you have any concerns or suggestions, please feel free to share them with me. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve and deliver the level of care you rightfully expect and deserve.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to the possibility of serving you better in the future.

Shaym Sundar Das

Hope this Class 10 English Unit 3 Health and Wellness Reading I A letter from a patient excercise including Grammar I and Writing I help you. To help us, share this with your friends.



Next: Class 10 English Unit 3 Reading II Excercise