Class 10 English Unit 17 Exercise [New Course 2080]

Greeting, Class 10 student. Are you looking for the Class 10 English Unit 17 exercises?

Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 English Countries & Towns exercise. Plus, we’ve also provided answer to Grammar I and Writing I section.

These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S.

Remember, while it’s great to use this guide as a reference for your homework, we always encourage you to do the work on your own. However, if you find this guide helpful, feel free to share it with your friends. Now, let’s dive into Class 10 English Unit 17 London vs Paris exercises.

Class 10 English Unit 17 Countries & Towns: Included all Questions and Answers (With Grammar I + Writing I Solution)

Reading I:London vs Paris

A. Find the words from the text and fill in the crossword puzzle.

1. a person who lives in a town: urbanite
4. an impressive display of a particular type of thing: showcase
6. in accordance with the highest standards; faultless: impeccable
7. impaired by lack of recent practice: rusty

2. a person who approaches passers-by in the street asking for donations: chugger
3. a set of rails that forms the route for a tram: tramway
5. full of energy and life: vibrant
8. a long, narrow French loaf: baguette
9. the art of choosing, cooking and eating good food: gastronomy
10. a small close-knit group of people: clique

B. Choose the correct alternative.

a. The transport network in London is widespread.

b. The number of museums in London is 240.

c. Paris is better and has more to offer than London in terms of variety in cuisine.

d. Which of the following is not the major attraction of Paris?
Ans: public library

e. Which of the following is not the similarity between the two cities?
Ans: Both cities can be travelled all year round with nice weather.

C. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The French prefer handshakes to kisses
Ans: False

b. People in London are easy to get along with
Ans: False

c. The French enjoy talking informally in espresso bars
Ans: True

d. London is almost fifteen times larger than Paris in terms of geography.
Ans: True

e. The cost of living in Paris is almost the same as that of London.
Ans: False

f. If you are looking for a less populous city, then Paris would be a perfect suit.
Ans: False

D. Answer these questions.

a. What are the famous rivers in London and Paris?
Ans: Jhamak thinks her life as a burdensome life because she couldn’t do anything by herself.

b. Why do football fans prefer London to Paris?
Ans: The fortune draws a line of fate on the sixth day after the birth.

c. Which of the two cities was visited by more tourists in 2018?
Ans: People said that her life was the fruit of sins of her former life. No, she was not happy with their behavior.

d. What time of the year is suitable to visit London?
Ans: Jhamak compares herself with Nikolai Otrovskys and Helen Kellers. They were different from Jhamak because they wrote history before they died.

e. Which of the two cities is cheaper to travel?
Ans: Yes, achieving awareness became a curse for her because she didn’t have voic to speak and strength to walk.

f. Where do you think it is easier to catch a cab: In London or Paris? Why?
Ans: Jhamak picturises her family’s economic condition during her childhood as poor one. They had no sufficient food to eat.

E. Which of the two cities would you like to visit? Give reasons.

Jhamak Kumari Ghimire is a Nepalese writer, poet, and disability activist who was born with cerebral palsy. Despite her physical disability, she has overcome numerous challenges and obstacles to become one of the most renowned literary figures in Nepal.

Jhamak faced many challenges due to her disability. Her parents could not afford to provide her with proper medical care, and she was unable to attend school like other children. However, Jhamak was determined to learn and educate herself, and she taught herself to read and write using her left foot.

Despite facing discrimination and ridicule from her community, Jhamak continued to pursue her passion for writing and poetry. She wrote her first book, a collection of poems titled “Sindhuli Gatha” (Sindhuli Tales), at the age of 17, using a typewriter with her left foot.

Jhamak’s talent and perseverance did not go unnoticed, and her book received critical acclaim, winning numerous awards and accolades. Her writing explores themes of love, loss, and social injustice, and her works have been translated into many languages.

In addition to her literary contributions, Jhamak has also been an advocate for disability rights and has worked to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with disabilities in Nepal. She has inspired many people with her courage, determination, and creativity, and her life story is a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and strength.


Class 10 English Unit 17 Grammar I Excercise

Here, you can find Class 10 English Unit 17 grammar 1 exercise based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal on 2080:

A. Choose the correct adjective or adverb to complete the following sentences..

a. My (poor/poorly) family can’t afford the car.
Ans: My poor family can’t afford the car.

b. Sujata performed (poor/poorly) at the concert.
Ans: Sujata performed poorly at the concert.

c. Suraj is (calm/calmly) under pressure.
Ans: Suraj is calm under pressure.

d. The cook (patient/patiently) removed the boiling pot.
Ans: The cook patiently removed the boiling pot.

e. The teacher spoke (loud/loudly) to the students.
Ans: The teacher spoke loudly to the students.

f. Sunil walked to the kitchen (quiet/quietly)
Ans: Sunil walked to the kitchen quietly.

g. The (quiet/quietly) children listened to the teacher.
Ans: The quiet children listened to the teacher.

h. The woman (soft/softly) sang a lullaby.
Ans: The woman softly sang a lullaby.

i. The kitten (timid/timidly) peered from under the couch.
The kitten timidly peered from under the couch.

B. Choose the correct form of the adjectives or the adverbs given in brackets and rewrite the sentences.

a. Sanskrit language is much more complicated to deal with Nepali

b. Metal is heavier than wood.

c. Wood is not as heavy as iron.

d. He ran much more quickly than me.

e. Albert Einstein was an intelligent person.

f. My sister can speak English better than Juna.

g. A family car is not fast as a sports car.

h. I wrote more beautifully than he did.

i. Sunita did not dance as gracefully as Mamata did.

i. The journey home by bus takes much longer than by plane.

Class 10 English Unit 17 Writing I Excercise

Write a couple of paragraphs comparing our capital city, Kathmandu with any other city in Nepal.
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is a vibrant and bustling city that offers a unique mix of history, culture, and modernity. With its ancient temples, narrow alleys, and colorful markets, Kathmandu is a city that is steeped in tradition and has a rich cultural heritage. However, it is also a city that is rapidly developing and growing, with modern amenities and infrastructure. In contrast, Pokhara is a smaller and more relaxed city located in the western part of Nepal. While it is also a popular tourist destination, Pokhara is known for its stunning natural beauty, including the picturesque Phewa Lake and the surrounding Himalayan mountains. The city is a great place to relax and unwind, with its laid-back atmosphere and beautiful scenery.

While both cities have their unique charms, they offer very different experiences. Kathmandu is a bustling and chaotic city that can be overwhelming for some, but it offers a fascinating glimpse into Nepali culture and history. On the other hand, Pokhara is a more laid-back and relaxing city, perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in nature. Ultimately, the choice between these two cities will depend on one’s preferences and what they are looking for in a travel experience.

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Next: Class 10 English Unit 17 Reading 2 Exercise