Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 Exercise [New Course 2080]

Greeting, Class 10 student. Are you looking for the Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 exercises?

Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 Discovering Migration: What Birds Reveal excercise. Plus, we’ve also provided answer to Grammar II and Writing II section.

These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S.

Remember, while it’s great to use this guide as a reference for your homework, we always encourage you to do the work on your own. However, if you find this guide helpful, feel free to share it with your friends. Now, let’s dive into Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading II Discovering Migration: What Birds Reveal exercises.

Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 Discovering Migration: What Birds Reveal Exercise: Included all Questions and Answers (With Grammar II + Writing II Solution)

Reading II: Discovering Migration: What Birds Reveal

A. Study the following word list and find their synonyms and antonyms as shown in the example. Write NA if the word does not have a synonym or antonym in the list.
Note: synonyms are bold and underlined.

a. Transform: Change, remodel, commute, revamp, hold on, stagnate

b. Incredible: unbelievable, amazing, wonderful, credible, plausible,

c. Roadmap: guideline, plan, direction, map, protocol, procedure

d. Retrace: backtrack, recall, recollect, reminisce, forget,

e. Grab: clutch, snatch, capture, free, liberate, release,

f. Elevation: height, altitude, level, flat, lowness

g. Waterlogged: dry, wet, sodden, soaked, drenched, dehydrated, arid

h. Refuel: refill, replenish, restock, deplete, exhaust,

i. Cluster: band, bunch, chump, array, clump

j. Crucial: vital, fundamental, trivial, insignificant, unimportant,

k. Perilous: risky, dangerous, precarious, terrifying, harmless,

B. Complete sentences (a-f) with their correct endings (i-vii).

a. In the past people had the misconception that birds hid underground or changed into some other birds.

b. To supply themselves with energy some birds stop to feed themselves with grains.

c. When the weather is favourable in spring birds fly back to their habitats.

d. As a sign of partial migration some birds travel to a different place while others do not.

e. To wait for favourable weather some birds choose to fly during the night.

f. For better flying conditions birds fly in large groups.


C. Answer these questions

a. What is incredible about the migration of birds?
Ans: The incredible things about the migration of birds is that they fly over land and oceans without roadmaps.

b. What things do birds consider while flying to their destinations?
Ans: The birds consider about weather, food, stopover etc. while flying to their destinations.

c. Which animals other than the birds migrate to new places?
Ans: Amphibians, mammals. fish and reptiles also migrate to new places.

d. What do scoters dive underwater for?
Ans: The scoters dive underwater for catching shellfish from the floor of the ocean.

e. Which birds travel up and down instead of going north to south?
Ans: Mountain birds like brindled titmice and mountain chickadees travel up and down instead of going north to south.

f. What is the partial migration of birds?
Ans: Even within a bird species, some birds may migrate while others do not. This is called partial migration of birds.

g. Why can sea terns not stay long in water?
Ans: The sea terns can’t stay long in water because they become waterlogged.

h. How do birds feed themselves during their journeys?
Ans: Some of the birds feed on flying insects and some others feed at stopovers during their journeys.

i. What are the signs of birds flying in the night sky?
Ans: Some dark moving objects in moonlight in the spring season are the signs of birds flying in the night sky.

C. You might have seen or heard of animals migrating to new places. What could be the reasons for animals to migrate? Discuss.
Answer: Animals migrate to new places for a variety of reasons. Some of them are given below.

Food availability: Animals migrate to places where they can find sufficient food and water to survive. This is particularly common among herbivores, which need to move to new grazing areas as vegetation cycles through different stages of growth.
Breeding: Many species migrate to specific areas for breeding, such as sea turtles that travel long distances to lay their eggs on beaches or birds that return to the same nesting sites each year.

Climate: Some animals migrate to avoid harsh environmental conditions, such as cold temperatures, lack of water, or drought. For example, many species of birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter months.

Population pressure: In some cases, animals may migrate to new areas to relieve population pressure in their original habitat. This is particularly common among migratory species that move between different regions throughout the year.

Overall, animal migration is a natural behavior that allows different species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and survive in a constantly evolving world.

Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 Grammar II Excercise

Here, you can find Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 grammar 2 exercise based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal on 2080:

A. Complete the sentences below with the correct alternatives from the brackets.

a. Even though we have different ideologies, we are intimate friends.

b. Despite our hard efforts, we could not establish a hospital in the village.

c. Even though the film was very popular, it was a commercial failure.

d. I enjoyed all the luxuries of life despite the fact that I grew up in a remote village.

e. I watched a late night movie. However I didn’t feel sleepy in the morning class.

f. Even though scientists have made lots of research there is no evidence of life on mars.

g. In spite of my efforts, I can’t ever score excellent marks in the exam.

h. My room was burgled although I had locked it securely before going out.

i. I called Siddhartha several times but he did not respond.

j. Even though we had not invited them they came to the party.

B. Join the following pairs of sentences with the connectives given in the brackets.

a. Although I was really exhausted. I could not sleep well.

b. She was shortlisted for the job In spite of having no requirements.

c. I decided to work for the company even though The pay was quite low.

d. We had prepared for the match really well Yet We lost it.

e. Dipisha completed her assignment despite her injury.

f. Kripa exercises every day however ,She is gaining weight.

g. Barcelona won the match nevertheless they were limited to ten players.

h. I love to watch cricket on TV while My brother loves to watch football.

i. He woke up early in the morning In spite of going to bed late.

j. He was selected for the school team although He had not played well.

Class 10 English Unit 13 Reading 2 Writing II Excercise

A large number of youths and professionals leave Nepal and migrate abroad each year. Write an essay expressing your opinion about the impacts of such migration. Also include suggestions and solutions to the problems caused by migration.

 Impacts of Migration

The number of youths and professionals leaving Nepal and migrating abroad each year is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Some of them are as follows. Despite having a relatively young and educated population, Nepal has struggled to create enough job opportunities for its citizens, particularly in fields such as technology and engineering. Nepal has experienced political instability and economic challenges in recent years, which has led some young people and professionals to seek opportunities abroad. Many Nepalese students travel abroad to pursue higher education, and some choose to stay and work in their host country after graduation. Some Nepalese workers migrate abroad in search of higher wages and better living standards. This is particularly common in fields such as construction, hospitality, and domestic work. The migration of youths and professionals from Nepal to other countries can have both positive and negative impacts on the country and the individuals involved.

Positive impacts

  • The migrants send money back home to their families, which can help support their households-and contribute to the country’s economy.
  • The migrants gain new skills and experiences that they can bring back to Nepal and apply in the local context.
  • Nepalese migrants can help to build relationships between Nepal and their host countries, which can lead to increased trade and cultural exchange.

 Negative impacts

  • The migration of skilled and educated individuals can leave Nepal with a shortage of talent in key sectors such as healthcare, engineering, and technology. It is called brain drain.
  • The migration of young people and professionals can lead to family separation, loss of social capital, and disruption of traditional community structures.
  • The reliance on remittances from migrants can lead to dependency on external sources of income and reduce incentives to develop local industries and businesses.

Overall, while the migration of Nepalese youths and professionals can have both positive and negative impacts, it is important for Nepal to create policies and initiatives that can help retain talent within the country and address the underlying factors driving migration. This can include improving job opportunities, providing access to education and training, and fostering a more stable political and economic environment.

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