Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 Exercise [New Course 2080]

Greeting, Class 10 student. Are you looking for the Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 exercises?

Here, you can find all the solutions of Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 World Record excercise. Plus, we’ve also provided answer to Grammar II and Writing II section.

These all solutions are based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal published on 2080 B.S.

Remember, while it’s great to use this guide as a reference for your homework, we always encourage you to do the work on your own. However, if you find this guide helpful, feel free to share it with your friends. Now, let’s dive into Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading II World Record exercises.

Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 World Record Exercise: Included all Questions and Answers (With Grammar II + Writing II Solution)

Reading II: World Record

A. Complete the following table to extend the words to different word classes.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Ironize Irony Ironic Ironically
Charm charmness charming charmingly
Scorch corcher scorching scorchingly
Sizzle sizzler sizzling sizzlingly
Beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
Purify purity pure purely
teste tastiness tasty tastefully
surprise surprise surprising surprisingly

B. Write True for true and False for false statements.

a. Two people are going to cast their performance to break the world record today.
Ans: True

b. Michael is one of the contestants.
Ans: False

c. Michael also tried dipping his foot on the bucket.
Ans: False

d. Albert broke the world record for standing on a bucket of hot soup.
Ans: False

e. The word ‘sizzling’ is similar in meaning to “scorching”.
Ans: True

f. The program is a comedy show.
Ans: True


C. Answer the following questions.


a. Who is Mabel Phillips?
Ans: Mabel Phillips is one of the contestants in the TV studio attempting to break a world record.

b. What is she trying to do?
Ans: Mabel Phillips is leaning on a brush.

c. How do they maintain the heat of the soup?
Ans:  The heat of the soup is maintained by Albert’s wife, Mrs. Hargreaves. She periodically brings more boiling soup and pours it into the bucket to keep it hot.

d. How far was Albert from breaking the record?
Ans: Albert was only one minute away from breaking the world record. At the time of the incident, he had been standing on one leg in the bucket of hot soup for seven hours and two minutes, while the world record was seven hours and three minutes.

e. How did the man lose his trousers?
Ans: The man lost his trousers because he took them off to have a bath. When he got out of the bath, his trousers were gone.

f. Why do you think Mabel pushed Albert?
Ans:  Mabel’s push indicates that her action was a part of the comedic element of the show. It was likely intended to generate laughter from the audience and add a humorous twist to the situation.


Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 Grammar II Excercise

Here, you can find Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 grammar 2 exercise based on new curriculum set by government of Nepal on 2080:

A. Change the following sentences into affirmative.

a. Dev Narayan does not perform well.
Ans: Dev Naryan perform well.

b. The dog did not bite Fatima.
Ans: The dog bit Fatima.

c. A room in the flat did not need painting.
Ans: A room in the flat needed painting.

d. All the students did not have to sit in the re-examination.
Ans: All the students had to sit in teh re-examination.

e. He never drinks wine.
Ans: He always drinks wine.

f. Don’t pour much water in the curry.
Ans: Pour a little water in the curry.

g. Nobody came to me.
Ans: Somebody came to me.

h. There is not anyone in the locality living in luxury.
Ans: There is someone in the locality living in luxury.

i. He does not have a bath every day.
Ans: He has a bath every day.

j. Neither the boy nor the man goes to school.
Ans: Either the boy or the man goes to school.

k. She does not have anything in her bag.
Ans: She has something in her bag.

l. He does not work with us.
Ans: he works with us.

B. Rewrite the following letter correcting the errors in subject-verb agreement

Dear Hiring Manager,

I feel that I am the ideal candidate for the position of Communication Manager in your company. I have three years of experience as a receptionist in a company that is similar to yours. My phone skills and written communication is excellent. These skills, and others that I have learned on the job, help me understand that every person in a company helps make the business a success. At my current job, the team always says that I am very helpful. Everyone appreciates when I go the extra mile to get the job done right. My current employer and co-workers feel that I am an asset to the team. I, along with my colleagues am efficient and organized. Are there any other details about me that you would like to know? If so, please contact me. Here is my resume. You can reach me by e-mail or phone. I look forward to speaking with you in person.

Sincerely Yours
Adara Banu

Class 10 English Unit 11 Reading 2 Writing II Excercise

B. Write a similar message of condolence using the given outlines.

Jayananda Lama (1956-2022…….passed away at his residence, Kaushaltar Bhaktapur senior folk singer and actor incredible loss for the Nepali art sector ………..Kalakate Kainvo, Herda Ramro….. Chuin Chuin Chuilkane Joota, Mulako Ghana his super hit folk songs ……….acted in more than a hundred movies……. heartfelt condolences


Heartfelt Condolence

Date: 1956 A.D.                                                             DOD: 2022 A.D

Jayananda Lama

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Jayananda Lama (1956-2022) at his residence in Kaushaltar, Bhaktapur. His departure is an incredible loss for the Nepali art sector, as he was not only a senior folk singer but also an exceptional actor.

Jayananda Lama’s contributions to the Nepali music industry are immeasurable. His soulful renditions of folk songs like “Kalakate Kainvo” and “Herda Ramro” resonated with audiences across the nation. Additionally, his melodious voice enchanted listeners in the famous track “Chuin Chuin Chuilkane Joota,” while his super hit folk song “Mulako Ghana” became an iconic piece in the industry.

Apart from his remarkable singing career, Jayananda Lama showcased his versatility by acting in over a hundred movies. His presence on the silver screen left an indelible mark on the hearts of his fans.

During this difficult time, please accept my heartfelt condolences. May Jayananda Lama’s soul rest in eternal peace, and may his family and loved ones find strength and solace in their cherished memories of him. His legacy will continue to inspire and touch the lives of many in the Nepali art fraternity and beyond.

Grade 10 Students
(Name of your school)

C. Imagine you and your friend. Purna was working in a factory. Unfortunately, he broke his hand while working with a machine. Write a letter of sympathy using the clues given below.

Purna — 28 years old — working together for 3 years — regular and dutiful —a sort of mechanical failure — gets hand broken on 20th Oct 2022 — in hospital under treatment — wish a speedy recovery.


Dear Purna,

I hope this letter finds you well, although I am deeply saddened to hear about the unfortunate incident that occurred at the factory. It came as quite a shock to me when I learned about your hand getting broken while working with the machine.

We have been working together for three years now, and during this time, I have come to know you as a dedicated and responsible colleague. Your commitment and diligence have always impressed me. It is truly disheartening to see you face such an unexpected setback.

I understand that accidents can happen, and sometimes there are unforeseen mechanical failures. However, it is unfortunate that you had to bear the consequences of this incident. I can only imagine the pain and discomfort you must be experiencing right now.

I sincerely hope that the medical treatment you are receiving at the hospital is effective and that you are under the care of skilled professionals. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. My utmost wish is for your speedy recovery. May the healing process be swift and bring you back to good health soon.

During your absence from work, I will do my best to manage your responsibilities and ensure that everything runs smoothly. If there is anything specific I can do to assist you during this challenging time, please do not hesitate to let me know. I am here to support you in any way I can.

Once you are back on your feet, I look forward to seeing you at the factory again. Until then, take care of yourself, follow the medical advice, and allow yourself ample time to recover fully. Remember that your health and well-being are of utmost importance.

Sending you my warmest wishes and a heartfelt message of sympathy. You are missed, and I eagerly await your return to work. Get well soon, Purna.

With kindest regards,

[Your Name]


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