Unit 13: Career And Entrepreneurship Solution
(Mahabir Pun: A Visionary Social Entrepreneur)

Ways with words

A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. The first letter has been given.

a. making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc. (comfortable)

b. having a degree from the university (graduated)

c. without being connected with or influenced by something or by each other (independently)

d. the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something (innovation)

e. familiar with something, having read, seen or experienced it (acquainted)

f. a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks (entrepreneur)

g. an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions publicly or make progress in a particular area (platform)

h. to use something, especially for a practical purpose (utilize)

B.Write the plural forms of the following nouns.

a. calf : calves
b. basis : bases
c. sheaf : sheaves
d. cactus : cacti / cactuses
e. louse : lice
f. crisis : crises
g. person : people / persons
h. formula : formulas
i. ox: oxen
j. fungus : fungi
k. goose : geese
l. oasis : oases
m. analysis : analyses
n. curriculum : curricula
o. appendix : appendixes
p. fungus : fungi


Answer these questions

a.How did Mahabir Pun begin his lifelong journey in Nepal after coming back to Nepal from the US?

Ans: After coming back to Nepal from the US he decided to stay in Nangi village in Myagdi district and help villagers to start a high school and work as a volunteer teacher to start his lifelong journey.

b. How did Mahabir Pun begin his lifelong journey in Nepal after coming back to Nepal from the US?

Ans: He didn’t want to work for other companies in the US or in Nepal because he wanted to work independently and do something on his own for the benefits of Nepalese people.

c.Why did he involve in innovation?

Ans: He involved in innovation to find the solutions of the problems. He thought that innovation is the way to bring economic development and prosperity.

d. What are the income-generating programmes that he helped to start?

Ans: The income-generating programmes that he helped to start are Yak farming, camping ground for the trekkers, cheese making, jam making paper making, bee keeping, vegetable farming, handicraft making, fish farming etc.

e.Whose support is Pun getting to proceed with his campaign?

Ans: Pun is getting support from people and communities to proceed with his campaign.

f.How have the developed countries become prosperous ?

Ans: The developed countries have become prosperous because they have always given high priority to research and innovation and they are investing huge amount of money for that.

g.How can we keep the most talented and innovative people in Nepal? 

Ans: We can keep the most talented and innovative people in Nepal by creating sound environment and support system, opportunities and platform should be given to them so that they will stay here.

Critical thinking

a. Pun says, “We do not have culture of innovation that encourages young people to be innovative and creative”. Do you agree with him? Explain. 

Ans: It is true that we do not have the culture of innovation that encourage young people to be innovative and creative. He says that innovation is very important for the encomic development and prosperity of any country. Our education system is research based that encourages people to be innovative. Nepal is unable to invest huge amount of money for this as developed countries do. The students should be taught and encouraged to be innovative from their school level. The research based education should be prioritize so that they would be curious and innovative.

Our existing education policy does not help students to be innovative so that they go abroad for higher education. We cannot stop them too because there is not proper environment and support system for them. For this the government should create suitable environment to stop them and  encourage them to conduct research and be innovative so that they can contribute for the economic development of the country.

b.What qualities does an individual need to become an entrepreneur?

Ans: An individual needs certain qualities to be an entrepreneur. Such qualities are the virtues of a businessman. They are briefly discussed below.

(i) Hard-work: Hard work is needed to be successful in any work. A person cannot be an entrepreneur within a day or night. It needs hard work and passion. A person should love to enjoy his/her work. It is the key to success. A businessperson should give his/her full time and

effort to the work that he/she has been doing.

(ii) Politeness: Politeness is one of the basic Virtues in business. An entrepreneur should be polite to every one to influence them. Lack of politeness leads to failure because nobody likes the company of a rude person. It attracts all people, one can influence people with his/her politeness.

(iii) Perseverance: A business is a challenging job. A lot of obstacles may appear on the way that may be the financial problem, marketing problem or anything else. In this condition he/she needs courage, continuous efforts and determination to face the challenges boldly. It is one of the most important qualities of an entrepreneur.

(iv) Self confidence: The businessperson, himself/herself is responsible for his/her success or failure. The person should have self-confidence to run and promote business. He/she should believe on self. If you do not have faith in yourself, you may lose your confidence. Therefore, an entrepreneur must have self-confidence.


A. Writing an informal email 

Read the following email and write a reply to it. 

Ans: (Reply)

Dear Gregor,

I felt glad to receive your mail. As you have suggested I am planning to visit you on Saturday. I’d love to see the flat and the modifications that you have made. I am eagerly waiting for the day. That’s a good idea to go for a walk in the afternoon. Since we have not met eachother for a long time, just for our memory too, We can eat outside in a restaurant. I have started a new job in a bank and I will be glad to tell you about my new job.

Regarding your address, I do not think I will have any problem because I am familiar to the place. But it might take time to find the flat. I will follow the instructions that you have given in your mail. In case I feel any problem, I will call you. I will tell you everything about my new job but now just learn that I am very happy with my new job.

See you on Saturday.


B. Communique (Press release)

C. Suppose you are the secretary of the National Innovation Centre (NIC), Nepal and an innovator from a foreign country had a talk with its chairperson, Mahabir Pun about bilateral cooperation. Write a press release statement. 


National Innovation Centre (NIC) Kathmandu, Nepal

Press Release

Chairperson of National Innovation Center (NIC), Mr. Mahabir Pun had a talk with the chairperson of ABC company, New York, Mr. Jack Jems about bilateral cooperation in the field of innovation, today.

During conversation, the two sides discussed the condition of innovation in Nepal and possible cooperation between two companies. The chairperson of NIC, Mr. Pun requested to provide technical assistance to attract talented youths in this field. Mr. Jack assured Mr.Pun that they will provide technical and economic assistance to promote innovation in Nepal.

Mr.Pun thanked Mr. Jack for their support in the field of science and technology and requested him to continue the support and cooperation. They agreed to continue mutual cooperation to strengthen the bond between two companies. Mr.Jack said that he will visit Nepal soon to find the possible areas where we can support eachother.

National Innovation Centre (NIC)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

28 October, 2023


E. Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

a. I don’t know where Muna is. Have you seen (you/see) her?

b. Janak wasn’t (not/be) very well last week.

c. Last night I lost (lose) my keys. So I stayed in my friend’s home.

d. I have lost (lose) my keys. Can you help me look for them?

e. I have known (know) Jamuna for three years. We still meet once a month.

f. She lived (live) in Sikkim when she was a child.

A: What’s wrong?
B: I have broken (break) a glass.

A: When did you arrive (you/arrive)?
B: At 10 pm last night.

i. How long have you known (you/know) Sarmila for?

j. This is the first time I have driven (drive) a car.

F. Use been or gone.

a. I’ve never been to Japan.

b. Kalpana has gone to Korea. She may come back next year.

A: Where’s Rachana?
B: She has gone to the shops.

d. Harina was here earlier but I think she has gone now.

e. Have you ever been to London?