Unit 19: Travel And Tourism Solution
(Discovering West Nepal- The Wild Frontier)

Ways with words

A. Find the words form the text which mean the following.

a. became fuller and softer by shaking – fluffed

b. sound mental health – sanity

c. consisting of or easily breaking into small pieces – crumbly

d. neither very hot nor very cold – temperate

e. land that does not have enough water to support the growth of plants – arid region

f. only slightly warm – lukewarm

B. Find the meanings of the following words in an English dicitonary, write their word classes adn use them in your own sentences.

Hazy: (adjective) not clear because of heat

Our village looked hazy from this distance but in clear weather it can be seen clearly. 

Frontier: (noun) a line that separates two countries or the land near this line.

Some people were illegally walking across the frontier to find a job.

Lush: (adjective) covered in healthy grass and plants.

The lush region near our village is the home of many animals. 

Flip-flops: (noun) Open shoes.

I found it different to walk in flip-flops so I bought shoes. 

Altitude: (noun) height above sea level.

During our trip one of my friends had altitude sickness. 

Fatal: (adjective) that can cause death.

We should keep ourselves away from the fatal diseases. 

Magnificent: (adjective) very attractive and impressive. 

Magnificent view of the mountains really attracted us.

C. make a list of the Nepali words used in the text and write their English equivalents.

bideshi : foreign
Tatopani : lukewarm water
raksi : wine
bahini : younger sister
mathi : up
tala : down
sutne : sleep
panipuri : water balls/water bowels
pani – water


Answer these question. 

a. How did the author feel when she saw a colourful rooster in the western Himalayas?

Ans: She felt surprised when she saw a colorful rooster in western Himalayas.

b.How does she describe the houses on the trails of western Nepal? 

Ans: There were stone made houses, under a rock, above a river. They looked so crumble to live in but the people didn’t mind living in those houses.

C.What does she mean when she says “I walked towards a village15 kilometres further as the crow flies?” 

Ans: When she says, “I walked towards a village 15 kilometers further as the crow flies.” She means that. She just assumed the distance she had to cover with the help of flying crows.

d.Describe the village Thankur in brief. 

Ans: Thankur Village had only two houses. It was an arid region. She saw some Lophophoruses there. She felt amazed when she saw brilliantly shining stars.

e.What happened when she reached Jumla and how was she relieved?

Ans: When she reached Jumla she was ill with an unknown virus and a bad tummy. She was relieved when she ate Pani Puri and the medicine given by an American.

f.How does the author describe the bucket water in Khali Lagna?

Ans: She describes bucket water as the surface on the bucket was frozen. When she cracked it, she felt satisfied as the water underneath was surprisingly lukewarm.

g.How was Rara Lake on the day she reached there? 

Ans: The water was crystal clear, it was glistening in the dark blue glory when she reached there.

Critical Thinking

a. It is said that travelling a place equals to reading three books. Do you agree? Why? 

Ans: It is said that travelling a place equals to reading three book. Yes, I agree with this statement. When we read a book, we just read and imagine the reality. Some people think that reading is the best way of gathering information. There is no doubt that both are the ways of gaining experiences but travelling gives us more experiences than reading. Self- Observation gives us a better understanding of what we want to learn. Travelling and visiting the place can help us more than anything else. It is also the best way to gain practical experience.

Books only give us general view about the subject, after and we only get limited information that the writer includes in it. To gather exact and sufficient information, there is no other way than visiting the place. Some books may mislead or misguide us. Therefore, in my opinion, travelling to the place is the best way to learn about the place and not only three, it may equal to many books. 

b.The author spent five-week long walk along the western Himalayas. Do you think it was adventurous? Why ? 

Ans: Yes, it was an adventurous journey. Travelling and visiting new places is really exciting. Everyone enjoys travelling. But how one feels depends upon the place. If the place is in the remote area like western Nepal, it is daring experiences too. Only the people who love adventure and challenges choose to visit such places. The author spent five weeks walking along the western Himalayas. The journey was difficult too. She had minor heart attack. She was ill with unknown virus. She had to walk through cliff in snowy Himalayas.

Despite these challenges and difficulties she had an amazing experience. How she experienced when she reached Rara lake cannot be explained in words. People rarely get chance and dare to travel in such places. Therefore, I suppose that it was really adventurous.


A. Write a travelogue of your recent visit to a natural/religious place in about 300 words. Use the following clues 

Local costumes and traditions…. Cuisine Depiction of places of interest, local history and culture…. Your adventures ….. Prices and transportation



A Memorable Journey

Travelling and visiting places is always exciting. There are rarely any people who do not like travelling. My hobby is travelling. Last year I visited Manakamana. It made lasting impression on me. We were in a three days trip.

We were six in our group. It was New Year eve. We had planned to worship Manakamana early in the morning on the New Year day. We started our journey from kalanki. It took us three hours to reach to kurintar. On reaching there we knew that Cable car station was closed for maintenance. We were in dilemma. We discussed and decided to walk to temple. We didn’t know the path, it was really a strange experience to walk in the evening through unknown way under the cable car. There was a kind of fear, as we were walking through the bushes.

Yes it was exciting.

After around three hours continuous walk, we reached to our destination at 8 o’clock. Then we booked a room, ordered dinner and went outside. We went to temple and enjoyed Aarati and Bhajan. After an hour we returned to our room. Next morning we woke up early in the morning, took a bath and went to temple. We were amazed to see that there was a long queue. There were around five hundred people. We worshipped after four hours.

Then we went to enjoy local food. After meal, we visited the place around Manakamana. We observed cultural dance at day and learnt about history and culture of the place. We knew that unlike Brahmins, Magars were the priests of the temple. We enjoyed visiting places the whole day. We were frightened of the thought that we had to walk that long way again. Next morning, we took breakfast and started walking back to kurintar.

It was the strangest experience that we travelled to Kathmandu sitting on the hood of the bus. I had never travelled such a long distance, about 100 km, on hood of the bus. Anyway our journey was memorable.Still I remember that adventurous journey to Manakamana.

B.Write an essay in about 500 words on ‘Importance of Tourism in Nepal’. 


Importance of Tourism in Nepal

Nepal is a small mountainous country which is full of natural beauty. There are many important places such as naturally beautiful places, religious, historical and cultural places. There are many river, lakes, mountains, plains, forests, waterfalls which add beauty to our country. There are many rare animals and plants which are only found in Nepal. Tourists are attracted to see many things like typical villages, snowcapped mountains, historical places, lakes and so on. They come to Nepal to enjoy their holidays for trekking, research for mountaineering etc.

Nepal is a suitable destination for tourists. There are many mountains above 8000 meter high. The highest peak of the world, Mt. Everest lies in Nepal, so many people come to Nepal for mountaineering. Some of them enjoy trekking whereas some enjoy rafting in the rivers. Some others enjoy challenging sports like bungee jumping, paragliding etc. Some of them come to learn about history, culture and tradition. They can enjoy visiting historical places like Durbar Squares and museums.

Tourism is also the backbone of Nepalese economy after agriculture. There are many religious

places and many people visit Nepal for religious purpose. Pashupatinath, the famous pilgrimage and one of the destinations for the Hindus all over the world lies in Nepal. Gautam Buddha, who is also known as “The light of Asia’ was born in lumbini, Nepal.So it is a famous religious place for the Buddhist. Lumbini is also the center of attraction for external and internal tourists. Gumbas, monasteries, stupas etc. are other attractions. Tourists visit Boudha Stupa, Swoyambhu Stupa and many monasteries in Kathmandu. Janaki Temple in Janakpur is also one of the major tourist destinations.

Tourism plays a significant role in the development of the country. We can earn foreign currency from this sector. Many people get employment opportunities in tourism industry. It helps to solve the problems of unemployment. Tourism supports hotel industry. The developmental activities take place because if the tourist do not get the facilities they want the industry does not flourish. Tourists buy many articles, goods, handicrafts and cottage industry can be benefitted. Tourism industry supports the economy of the country. Our culture and tradition will also be preserved. The local people near tourism areas can also be benefitted.

But, still there are many problems in tourism industry. There is a problem of transportation services to reach to some popular tourist destinations. There is also a lack of security. There are not well facilitated hotels in those destinations. We should work together to promote tourism industry. Government should make proper plans and policies to support and promote this industry. If this sector flourishes it greatly supports in national economy.


B. Complete these sentences using the verbs given in the brackets.

a. Letters are delivered by the postman every day. (deliver)

b. This bag was found in the bus yesterday. (find)

c. The gate is locked at 7:00 pm every evening. (lock)

d. I was invited to the party last week. (invite)

e. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell. (invent)

f. Muna Madan was written by Devkota. (write)

g. How much money was stolen in the robbery? (steal)

h. Do you know cheese is made from milk? (make)

i. I was born in Kathmandu, but was grown in Dhangadhi. (grow)

C. Change the following sentences into passive.

a. I didn’t fix the problem.

The problem wasn’t fixed by me.

b. Police protect the town.

The town is protected by police.

c. John’s mother raised him in a small town.

He was raised in a small town by John’s mother.

d. Someone painted the building last year.

The building was built last year.

e. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.

f. Some students study grammar on the Internet.

Grammar is studied on the internet by some students.

g. Someone had broken the window by 3:00 p.m.

The window had been broken by 3: p.m.

h. A strange man was watching us.

We were being watched by a strange man.

i. Tokyo will hold the Olympics in 2020.

The Olympics will be held in 2020 by Tokyo.

j. We are working on the report right now.

The report is being worked in right now by us.

k. My manager has told him to arrive earlier.

He has been told to arrive earlier by my manager.

l. They could not have made the mistake.

The mistake could not have been made by them.

m. I hope they are going to hire me soon.

I hope I am going to be hired soon by them.

n. I don’t like people staring at me.

I don’t like being statered at.

o. She likes people waving at her.

She likes being waved at.

p. Who told you the story?

By whom were you told the story ?

q. Is he repairing the bicycle?

Is the bicycle being repaired by him?